SEO is quite a daunting task for IT Professionals! Because unlike all the other professions like software development and web design, the developer knows what to create and how to create it; while SEO is more closely related to marketing than anything else. This means even if you tirelessly endure and create links upon links of directory links and social media book-markings, and tweak your on-page codes to fit everything that could lead it to rise towards the top of the rankings, but there is no absolute certainty that this is going to happen. This is why the job of the Search Engine Optimizer is a relatively tough that requires you to have great insights into the mysterious ways Google and other search engine base their results. Here are some of the secrets that we have uncovered from the many lairs of the SEO Dungeon.

The Secrets of SEO



Don’t thiseo secretsnk about it too much: If you want to have your SEO strategies perfect and precise, you should not try to overthink about it and fall down into the myriad amount of potential tactics that are advertised; some of them will have you engaging in tactics that you would not want to be part of. No, instead of that you should concentrate mostly on trying to build a site that will have your visitors wanting to come back for more.



Great Quality Content: Of course, this is no great secret, but in the context of what’s happening, it is easy to overlook on this basic aspect. But this still remains a significant factor in deciding how the website gets ranked overall. Content when kept fresh will decide how the visitors view your site and whether they would want to come back to visit the site anymore.


UsabilityUsability: There was once the dreaded “Mobilegeddon“, threatening to eliminate desktop SEO forever, but that did not completely materialize. Although, there was innovation that occurred after mobile and portable device accessibility was shown to be a significant factor in having your website ranked higher in the SERP’s. And ever since, it has been like that, and so everyone is trying to create a mobile friendly site that is easily navigable as well as well responsive to sizes



Link building by contacting real persons: Of course, the link building strategy that we all know and are familiar with involves going to multiple sites and soliciting them to have your links placed in them. This form of requests is rather pathetic, they are not necessarily compelled, and at a whim, could shoo away your request if they wished. Trying to move forward with this type of link-building strategy will not yield the results that you desire. Instead, move forward with a strategy that involves having to engage in a correspondence either directly or via mail, where there is a mutual benefit for either party.


keywordsA different keyword approach: This keyword approach focuses on not just targeting specific keywords, but on accommodating keywords which the searcher is likely to search by way of natural speech and location. These keywords are often long-tail but some might even extend in longer length, consisting of 5 or 6 words, but which gives a concrete idea instead of interrelated words. General or broad keywords are by nature difficult to capture in the SERP, and this calls for innovative research that considers the individual traits of your company and data from keyword search queries so that to optimise your keyword according to that.


user personas

Personae: That’s right. Though this term might be somewhat confusing, it simply refers to the multiple personalities or archetypes of the users who frequent the several websites, i.e., customer research. Knowing their motivation, desires, and expectation is all part of this method. It can be small & specific, or exhaustive. This strategy is the re-affirmation of the fact that SEO, although concerned with technology, is still heavily a marketing medium, and these are core marketing strategies.




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