Google ads and click fraud

What is click fraud and why is it so harmful to your Google ads campaign

Introduction: Google Ads, or to be more precise, the "pay per click" model, is a type of advertising where the advertiser pays Google a certain amount of money to get clicks that are converted into valuable leads for the business. Google Ads is essential for digital marketing firms in Dubai.…continue reading →

Most Effective SEO Techniques for 2018

The Google algorithms are always in a flux, and though they are no mystery, they can be quite complicated to understand. Instead of trying to wrap your head around the complex Google algorithms, you can choose to implement certain techniques that are guaranteed to have a good effect on SEO…continue reading →

The Best SEO Company in Dubai

In this landscape which is saturated with a lot of SEO Companies, you will need to scour through really hard to find the best SEO companies in Dubai for there a lot of them around. Of course, there is a multitude of factors that are out there when you consider…continue reading →

A list of very useful SEO Tools

When we talk about SEO Tools, they can be categorized into different types that are defined by the specific function that they provide to the SEO Expert who is trying to utilise them.  But the thing is that there are a lot of SEO Tools that are out there and…continue reading →

SEO Strategies in 2016

This year has come and now it’s reaching the end. Well, there is a need to look forward to the future, and that means the next year, 2016. As we leave 2015 behind, there were some important lessons learned that needs to be inculcated into the mix and this would…continue reading →
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